TRSA Launches Hygienically Clean Customer Portal


The new Hygienically Clean Certification Portal recently launched as part of the Hygienically Clean Certification Program Enhancement Initiatives. Hygienically Clean certified plant representatives may now use the Certification Customer Portal for all their Hygienically Clean certification activities.

TRSA Tours Innovative Ecolab Campus


TRSA staff recently visited the Nalco Water, An Ecolab Company complex in Naperville, IL, to discuss the company’s sustainability initiatives on behalf of the linen, uniform and facility services industry. The meeting included a tour of the Nalco Water University as well as the Research, Development & Engineering areas of the facility.

TRSA Highlights Certifications at CleanMed


TRSA certification staff recently promoted Clean Green-certified linen, uniform and facility services companies at CleanMed, the premier national conference for leaders in healthcare sustainability. The Pittsburgh event put Clean Green providers in the same league as other climate-smart innovators, such as those who run “green” operating rooms, supply renewable-energy infrastructure and more. It was a rare opportunity to position the industry at the forefront of promoting environmentally responsible healthcare.