How to Respond to EEOC Discrimination Charges: A Guide for Employers
January 18, 2024, 2 - 3 pm ET • VirtualTRSA Members: FREE | Nonmembers: $45
When an applicant or employee files a charge of discrimination with the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), the employer may face a complex and stressful process. This session will explain what a charge of discrimination is, how the EEOC notifies the employer, and what options the employer has to resolve the charge. The session will also cover the best practices for preparing a response to the charge, including what information and evidence to provide, how to avoid common pitfalls, and how to cooperate with the EEOC’s investigation. The session will include a Q&A session where the audience can ask any questions related to the topic.
The Responding to the Charge presentation walks the audience through the process if an employer receives a charge of employment discrimination. That process can include mediation, to resolve the matter more quickly, or an investigation where an employer provides a written response, or position statement, to the charge allegations. The presentation will explain what employers should know in order to provide an effective position statement to the EEOC.
This webinar will not be recorded as it is a part of the Safe Space Series to allow anyone to ask their questions.
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