A Customer Repents
As the old adage goes, “The customer is always right.” Of course, most business people understand that customers are humans like the rest of us. They do make occasional mistakes.
One such customer recently contacted TRSA member Bates Troy Inc., Binghamton, NY, to apologize for an unfounded complaint he or she made years ago against the company’s dry-cleaning operation. A hand-written anonymous note said:
“Bates Troy Cleaners,
I wronged you years ago, lying about a stain I caused and blamed you. I apologize and am sending money to cover the rewash fee, plus interest. God is working on my heart to make amends for my wrongs.”
The letter was signed simply, “A customer.”
A $20 bill was attached to the note, said Ed Arzouian, compliance and special projects manager for Bates Troy. Bates Troy Staff have no idea who the repentant customer is, but they wanted to share the story with Textile Services because “You don’t see something like this every day.” Indeed not.