Albers Retires from Pellerin Milnor Staff

Posted January 27, 2017 at 1:23 pm

Pellerin Milnor Corp., Kenner, LA, recently announced the retirement of Laundry Systems Marketing Director Dick Albers. Albers first became involved in the laundry industry in 1961, just one year after graduating first in his mechanical engineering class at Vanderbilt University, according to a news release.

Albers started out as a washer engineer for GE, then joined FMC Corp., where he participated in the first successful North American batch washer installation. He later joined Milnor in 1985 as a proud father of three and an Honors MBA graduate of Harvard Business School.

During his 30-year career with Milnor, Albers also served as the product sales specialist for batch washers and as a regional sales manager when necessary. He has traveled the world to meet with dealers and customers, participate in installations, and offered his expertise wherever needed. However, Albers treasures most the relationships he has built over the years, where his colleagues have become family, and will remember Milnor as the place “where you want to do your job – not feel you have to do it. And in the end, someone will always offer you a ride home.”

“Dick’s knowledge of laundries and tunnel washing is truly unmatched in our industry,” said Rick Kelly, Pellerin Milnor vice president of sales & marketing. “We are grateful for his dedication and innumerable contributions to our customers and Milnor. We wish Dick and his wife Jane all the best in his well-deserved retirement.”

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