AmeriPride Makes Case for Alt-Fuels

Posted September 2, 2015 at 3:54 pm

In an era of low prices for gasoline, is it wise to switch your fleet to alternative fuels?

Since 2012, a barrel of crude oil has dropped $72, from $122 to $50 and pump prices have followed suit. The recent Fleet Technology Expo (FTX) answered that question, according to Car News magazine, citing AmeriPride as a successful example. Since the industrial launderer encounters multiple, national delivery scenarios, AmeriPride has put together a pilot program to match the technology with the route. This program allows the company to achieve maximum efficiency.

According to FTX, the best strategy is to tailor alternate fuel-choices to specific use-case scenarios. The company’s pilot results showed that low-mileage routes were still best served with vehicles powered by gasoline, said AmeriPride’s Jimmy Crea, while propane and compressed natural gas (CNG) work best for high-mileage routes of 100-150 miles per day. The greatest payback on CNG, he added, is realized through public refueling stations.

For routes with wide service areas and limited access to alt-fuel stations, hybrid vehicles may make more sense. Fleet Manager David Worthington, whose vehicles are dispersed over a large area of Sonoma County, CA, found the economics of hybrids offered the best solution for his area. “Decentralization doesn’t lend itself to installing fueling infrastructure for either propane or CNG,” he says. “For us, the cost-benefit ratio works better for hybrid-electric technology.” Using grants to help defray the cost of upgrading to hybrid trucks, the county has seen “tremendous” savings on fuel, brakes and maintenance.

Of course, there are other ways to get to that fleet efficiency in today’s technologically driven world. Biodiesel production is expected to jump to an estimated 3 billion gallons by 2020, without compromising feedstock, according to the magazine. B20, or 20% biodiesel, is environmentally friendly without the costs of infrastructure or vehicle upgrades. Although in the development stage, the hydrogen fuel cell market is expected to expand as several new cars begin production: the Toyota Mirai sedan and Honda’s FCV Concept vehicle.

Finally, FTX reports the mandate for fleet efficiency is also driven by technology that can “measure everything.” Whether it’s telematics or mobile resource management (MRM), companies like AmeriPride are taking advantage of vehicle-management systems. Click here to learn more.

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