AmeriPride: New Corporate Responsibility Report

Posted August 27, 2015 at 6:10 pm

AmeriPride Services Inc. recently launched its inaugural Corporate Responsibility Report. The report highlights the company’s commitment to environmental sustainability, employee health and safety and the well-being of the communities it serves. It outlines key programs and initiatives that AmeriPride is implementing across the company, according to a news release.

“We’re excited to share this snapshot of our efforts to be a sustainability leader in the industry and have a positive impact in the communities we serve,” said Bill Evans, president and CEO. “As one of the larger players in the industry, the family ownership and management at AmeriPride believe it’s our responsibility to use our available resources to test and help advance new environmentally friendly technologies. We are also committed to the overall wellness of our employees and communities, which we demonstrate through industry-leading safety programs and community outreach.”

  • By striving to set the standard for clean operations, says Evans, the company is often able to pass efficiency and value on to customers. Examples of recent environmental achievements include:
  • Fleet enhancements and alternative-fuel vehicles that have reduced emissions by more than 152 metric tons
  • Water heater and boiler improvements that have lowered costs and reduced the footprint by 821 metric tons.
  • The installation of solar panels in its New England branch that have cut its carbon footprint by 162 metric tons per year
  • Heat-reclamation equipment that’s expected to reduce its footprint by over 1,000 metric tons.

The Corporate Responsibility Report also outlines AmeriPride’s comprehensive safety-training program, voluntary facility inspections and safety and health committees at every branch. Other programs highlighted include the installation of advanced telematics technology in all company vehicles and the company’s annual, companywide “Day of Service,” in which employees volunteered more than 6,000 hours to local organizations in 2014. Click here for details. 

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