Aramark Opens New TX Cleanroom Facility

Posted February 23, 2017 at 6:32 pm

Aramark is increasing its capacity to provide cleanroom services to customers throughout the Southwest with a new 34,350-square-foot processing plant in McKinney, TX, according to a news release. Over the next three years, the operation is expected to create approximately 120 new local jobs.

“This expansion is designed to drive innovation and improve the speed of service for our growing cleanroom service customer base in the Southwest,” said Brad Drummond, COO of Aramark Uniform & Career Apparel. “The McKinney processing facility is the second recent expansion of our cleanroom service capacity, as we opened a smaller, but similar plant in April 2015, in Toronto.”

Aramark supplies sterile garments and contamination-control supplies, serving critical environments in the pharmaceutical, medical device, microelectronics, semiconductor and aerospace manufacturing industries. The company offers a number of products for cleanroom environments such as the Aramark Acuity Goggle® which retains visual clarity after sterilization, MicronSwep™ a ceiling to floor microfiber cleaning system, and CleanTrak™, a proprietary inventory control system that tracks the history of every garment from first use, to repairs and expected last date of use.

All of Aramark’s cleanroom processing facilities are International Organization for Standardization (ISO) Class 5 certified, and use a proprietary wash formula with deionized water to help ensure that garments meet Institute of Environmental Sciences and Technology recommendations. To read the full release, click here.

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