Berendsen Completes $3.6 Million UK Investment

Posted December 9, 2015 at 6:30 pm

Berendsen PLC, a London-based launderer, recently concluded a £2.4 million ($3.6 million) upgrade of its uniform laundry plant in Fakenham, England, according to news reports.

The improvements, including the addition of the latest in laundry technology, are expected to secure 150 jobs at the plant by improving efficiency, the reports said. Located in eastern England in the county of Norfolk, Fakenham is home to about 7,000 residents.

Berendsen CEO James Drummond predicted that the upgrade will fuel new growth by making the plant more competitive. “Berendsen’s strategy is to invest in its businesses to ensure we have the best ability to serve our customers,” he said. “The completion of this new plant for Berendsen’s workwear business in Fakenham is the latest step in this strategy.”

Berendsen employs a total of 15,000 people in 16 countries across Europe. Click here for details.

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