Bike Launderer Teams with Aramark, GWU

Posted April 30, 2015 at 5:06 pm

Wash Cycle Laundry (WCL) recently signed an agreement with George Washington University (GWU) through Aramark—its janitorial services provider—to pick up, launder and deliver an estimated 10,000 lbs. of reusable microfiber mop-heads and towels. The Philadelphia-based company is a “bicycle-powered” sustainable commercial laundry and linen service, and is expanding in the DC area, according to a news release. The company estimates it will process more than 500,000 lbs. annually on the GWU campus, serving more than 100 delivery points.

“One of the best ways to ensure our success as a sustainable campus is to have partnerships that support our goals,” said Ronda Chapman, the sustainability project facilitator at GWU. “Aramark continues to work closely with us to do just that. We are very excited that they were so willing to take this step!”

As a result of this deal, WCL will double its current staffing levels in D.C., and hire three additional full-time laundry employees and two full-time cyclists. “We’re proud to work with Aramark and George Washington University, who have committed to using environmentally-friendly laundry services in the nation’s capital,” said WCL Founder & CEO Gabriel Mandujano.

Click here to learn more. 

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