Executive Exchange Opportunities Now Available
Get the Associate Registration Form
Registration is now open for TRSA associate members for the Executive Exchange at the TRSA Annual Conference, Sept. 19-21 at the Sheraton Wild Horse Pass Resort & Spa near Phoenix. Replacing tabletop exhibits, this four-hour program provides associates with unprecedented access to operator member decision makers interested in their products.
This series of one-on-one meetings enables associates to update operators on the latest products and services to increase productivity and profitability, while receiving a unique opportunity to understand their challenges and discuss customized solutions. Associates schedule meetings directly with operators, who accept, reject and schedule meetings to ensure mutual interest.
By participating in the Executive Exchange, operators receive a 100% rebate of their Annual Conference registration fees. A second participant from each operator member company gets 50% back, creating a combined $1,500 savings for that company. Operators must participate in at least nine meetings to receive their rebates; associates will have 12 meetings each.
Meetings will take place in 2-hour blocks from 7:30 to 9:30 a.m. Tuesday, Sept. 20; and Wednesday, Sept. 21, in dedicated Annual Conference agenda blocks; there is no overlap with other conference events.
The concept gives operators a new tactic for sourcing new products and services. Brass-tacks discussions about innovations with associates, one after another in a tight time frame, will portray possibilities in a unique light that fosters priority-setting and better informed perspectives on purchases. Operators will receive unparalleled, deeper access to resources and technology.
Associates benefit from:
- Prequalified leads
- Product vetting
- Personal selling
It’s a new way for associates to build relationships and foster existing contacts to educate operators on recent product developments and solutions. For about the same cost as a tabletop exhibit, they receive guaranteed meetings and they can prepare customized presentations, providing information to intrigue customers in advance and using the meeting time to zero in on the best opportunities and overcome objections.