Faultless’ St. Louis Plants Earn Enviro Awards

Posted April 2, 2015 at 5:10 pm

Faultless Healthcare Linen recently won several awards for its positive environmental impact in St. Louis.

Missouri’s Water Environment Association (MWEA) recognized two of company’s plants for meeting or exceeding compliance on pretreatment. Faultless’ South Broadway facility received the gold and platinum award, which requires 3-5 or more years without a single recordable incident. Another facility on North 25th Street won a silver award, which requires one or more years without incident.

“We are very proud of our efforts in relation to what it means for our state’s natural resources, the appreciation from our local water districts, and the positive environmental impact it has for our healthcare customers throughout the state of Missouri,” said Mark Spence, COO of the company based in Kansas City, MO. Faultless’ Safety Director Caleb Paige was also on hand to accept the MWEA awards.

The MWEA is a nonprofit organization dedicated to the preservation and enhancement of water quality and water resources and the relationship of these resources to the total environment, according to its website. The MWEA is comprised of environmental professionals from both the public and private sector and is affiliated with the Water Environment Federation, which has roughly 35,000 members worldwide and publishes more than 180 books and technical manuals on water-related topics. 

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