Four Tips For Dealing With OSHA Inspections

Posted September 10, 2015 at 2:58 pm

Whether OSHA inspections are scheduled, follow-ups or a surprise visit for your facility, you can prepare for an effective response with the following four tips, according to a recent news report:

  • Create an inspection team comprised of key company employees who can direct preparations and manage the potential on-site inspection.
  • Be sure to educate the team on what to expect during a full company review.  Inspections can consist of both document audits and numerous managerial and nonmanagerial interviews. Some insurance companies, according to a regional news release, will send a representative to provide on-site training.
  • Keep your OSHA 300 logs accessible, current and organized. Train employees how to record specific information on  all work-related injuries
  • Be proactive and hold mock inspections to correct major deficiencies before OSHA visits.  In addition to reducing violations, referrals or employee grievances, you’ll eliminate safety hazards effectively with the aim of reducing injuries.

OSHA puts out an annual list, with the top 10,000-15,000 employers that have the highest rate of injuries and illness in their industry. Typically those on the list will be scheduled for an inspection, based on their rating using a formula called DART (Days Away, Restricted or Transferred).  DART scores and industry averages vary depending on the industry.

Click here for details. For additional resources, Click here for information on TRSA’s Training DVD on OSHA Inspections.

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