Going Green: Cape Town Hotel Conserves Water

Posted April 7, 2017 at 11:02 am

Amidst a long-term drought in South Africa, the President Hotel, Bantry Bay, Cape Town, has searched for ways to reduce its water use, including partnering with its outsourced laundry provider in its conservation efforts, according to news reports.

Galleria Laundry Services, Epping, Cape Town, provides linen service to the oceanfront property, and has worked with the hotel to reduce water use in its wash cycle. Galleria recycles all the water from the final rinse phase and uses it for the first wash cycle that follows to cut down on water consumption.

The President also is using water restrictors on all guest room taps and showers, as well as greywater systems to capture the outlet water from air conditioning units for gardening and cleaning. To read the full article, click here.

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