‘Green’ Push Earns TV Coverage for U.S. Linen
A local TV segment in Richland, WA, dubbed “NBC Right Now” recently cited U.S. Linen & Uniform for its commitment to environmental sustainability, according to an online summary.
A news reporter said city and national officials have recognized U.S. Linen for its “green” practices, including wastewater treatment technology that’s saving the company 12 million gallons annually. U.S. Linen also is able to reclaim a portion of the heat from its water, thus saving on natural gas as well.
U.S. Linen is certified with TRSA’s Clean Green program for companies that are focused on achieving the highest standards in environmental conservation. The program includes a series of best practices for environmental conservation as well as plant inspections. Contact TRSA’s Angela Freeman at afreeman@trsa.org for details.
U.S. Linen General Manager Rick Snyder said saving natural resources and minimizing waste generated by processing goods from his 3,000 customers is good for the environment and his family business, which was founded in 1901 in Walla Walla, WA. Click here for details.