Hygienically Clean Laundries Updated on Standard, Inspections
The Hygienically Clean Healthcare Users Group met during the TRSA Healthcare Conference in Nashville with nearly 30 participants to discuss the recent enhancements to the standard including adding a second “supplemental inspection” within a facility’s three-year certification period and conducting sample ATP critical control point surface testing within the laundry to identify potential risks.
“The Advisory Board and Users Group re-confirmed Hygienically Clean’s philosophy of focusing on outcome-based best management practices (BMPs) and Quality Assurance (QA) that directly impact the cleanliness of healthcare linens and garments,” said Advisory Board Chair Randy Bartsch, Ecotex Healthcare Linen Service.
The Users Group received an update from Hygienically Clean’s independent, third-party inspectors outlining criteria and training for inspectors and use of Hygienically Clean inspection-specific proprietary software to ensure inspection consistency and photo documentation. They also identified the most common inspection challenges and the importance of QA and other documentation required to certify processes for producing hygienically clean linens. The inspectors also met individually with Users to answer questions.
The Users Group received an update regarding the growth of the program, as 132 plants from 53 companies are currently certified or pursuing Hygienically Clean Healthcare certification with a 100 percent recertification renewal rate for 2016. The Users Group also discussed potential research projects such as Home vs. Commercial Laundering of scrubs, lab coats and other medical garments, and guidelines for cubicle curtains to strengthen hygienically clean processes and increase the use of reusable textiles.
The Users Group discussed key points shared by the Hygienically Clean Advisory Board regarding marketing activities including:
- Emphasizing Hygienically Clean Healthcare’s impact on the continuum of care
- Reaching Infection Control/Preventionists, Risk Managers and Purchasing/Supply Chain
- Increasing coverage of Hygienically Clean in Textile Services and Textile Services Weekly, as well as a significant investment in outreach to healthcare professionals through electronic and print advertising, direct marketing, social media and exhibits
Finally, the Users Group discussed a recently released study (FEMS Microbiology Letters, “Clostridium difficile environmental contamination within a clinical laundry facility in the USA,” October 14, 2016), as well as subsequent coverage and responses from other organizations. They agreed that the study did not identify any risks to healthcare workers or patients and that comments made by other organizations were misleading, creating false concerns regarding the cleanliness of healthcare textiles.
“Hygienically Clean Healthcare protocols include testing for Clostridium difficile (C. diff),” stated Certification Manager Angela Freeman. “With thousands of textile tests completed, none have indicated any levels of C. diff.”
Hygienically Clean Healthcare Users Group Attendees
- Bob Brill, American Textile Maintenance
- Nicholas Schroeder, AmeriPride Services Inc.
- Oswald Wyatt, AmeriPride Services Inc.
- Johanna Ames, Ames Linen Service
- Rick Kislia, Crescent Laundry
- Liz Remillong, Crothall Laundry Services
- Donald Haferkamp, Crown Health Care Laundry
- Rick Hamlin, Crown Health Care Laundry
- Bob Spence, Ecotex Healthcare Linen Service
- Randy Bartsch, Ecotex Healthcare Linen Service
- Tim Higdon, Faultless Laundry Co.
- Mark Spence, Faultless Laundry Co.
- Ron Graham, K-Bro Linen Systems Inc
- Linda McCurdy, K-Bro Linen Systems Inc.
- Brooke Spain, Landau Uniforms Inc.
- Bob Corfield, Laundry Design Group
- Jesse Jassny, MediCleanse Linen Service
- Robert Hager, Miller's Textile Services Inc.
- Evan Hall, Northwest Health Care Linen
- James Hall, Northwest Health Care Linen
- Jerry Ruwe, Superior Linen & Apparel
- Rick Herbers, Superior Linen & Apparel
- Mike Lang, Unitex
- Glenn Blucher, Up-To-Date Laundry Inc.
- Jeff Ringley, Up-To-Date Laundry Inc.