ImageFIRST NJ Gives Back to their Community

Posted August 19, 2016 at 11:54 am

ImageFIRST New Jersey associates recently participated in a pair of charitable efforts in the company’s service area, according to a news release.

The facility’s associates held a toy drive for the Children's Specialized Hospital Foundation, an organization dedicated to providing inpatient and outpatient healthcare for children dealing with special health needs. Four boxes filled to the brim with toy donations from the ImageFIRST New Jersey associates were dropped off at the foundation in June. ImageFIRST New Jersey and its associates are already planning to conduct another toy drive this September.

Later in the month, ImageFIRST associates visited the AIDS Resource Foundation located in Newark, NJ, a nonprofit organization serving families and children impacted by HIV and AIDS. While they were there, they presented a donation of $500, as well as organized and cleaned the kitchen for the center.

To read the full release, click here.

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