Industry-Specific Advice for Your Mobile Apps
TRSA has published on its website descriptions of applications (apps) for mobile phones and tablets recommended by TRSA’s Human Resources Committee for professional development of textile services managers and executives.
These utilities include tools inspired by the writing of business authors including Ken Blanchard (One-Minute Manager), John C. Maxwell (5 Levels of Leadership) and Patrick Lencioni (The Advantage).Other recommended apps reflect philosophies espoused by management-consulting organizations including:
- Cirrus Leadership
- True North Leadership
- Zenger Folkman
Most apps on the committee’s list relate to leadership, such as those titled:
Leadership Challenge Lite – offers practical features that are useful on a daily basis including “Take Action” activities easily integrated into your calendar.
Leadership Development – features discussions and webinars from a variety of experts, coaches and publishers as well as videos and Twitter discussions on leadership skills and training.
Switched On Leadership – from the eponymous magazine, which is recognized for reporting leading-edge strategies and insights for business and personal success. It also features authors described as world-class innovators, thought leaders, entrepreneurs and game changers.
Also recommended:
Manager Tools – from two U.S. Military Academy (West Point) graduates who became Army officers and then executives and entrepreneurs; based on their hundreds of podcasts.
Mind Tools – help with managing teams, projects, time and stress; tools for strategy and creativity; skill-building for communication, learning, career, problem-solving and decision-making.
How to Be More Productive – advises on improving team management with resources such as checklists and legal documents with a download feature enabling document e-mail and printing.
One legendary publication’s app makes the list: the Harvard Business Review (HBR), which supplements your subscription to the magazine withlive feeds from HBR’s blog network, including the Management Tip of the Day and Daily Stat.
The apps list is in addition to other resources the committee recently published on the site providing TRSA members with benchmarking information for corporate training, dress codes and business books relevant to textile services operations.