M&B Hangers Marks Nine Incident-Free Years

Posted May 11, 2015 at 6:54 pm

M&B Hangers, Leeds, AL, recently commemorated its ninth straight year without a single lost-time accident, according to a news release. Both the Alabama Self-Insured Worker’s Compensation Fund and the Employer’s Claim Management Inc. have recognized this milestone.

HR Director Darlene Yarborough communicates M&B Hanger’s safety culture to all associates, i.e., employees, and continually stresses the importance of incident prevention. She coordinates the associate-based safety committee, which changes every six months, and meets monthly or more often as needed.  All associates recently were honored at a barbecue, and will be honored again with their families at the annual company picnic, which takes place this year at the Birmingham Zoo. 

A milestone like this one doesn’t just happen, says company President Milton Magnus. It requires a concentrated effort on everyone’s part. “I am very proud of what we have accomplished, and it happens because we all believe that working safely, and providing a safe environment is everyone’s responsibility. No one says, ‘that’s not my job.’”

By educating its associates on the importance of being aware of safety and deliberate in their incident-prevention efforts, M&B has had zero recordable lost-time accidents thus far in 2015. “This is our goal, and what we strive to achieve,” added Magnus. 

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