OPL Calculator Available to Hoteliers

Posted April 29, 2016 at 12:28 pm

Learn More and Access the Calculator

A utility created by TRSA’s Hospitality Committee is now available on the web through TRSA’s site for hoteliers’ use to calculate the likely savings from outsourcing bed and bath linen service instead of continuing to operate on-premise laundries (OPLs).

Now available to TRSA members for testing, this “OPL Cost Calculator” familiarizes hotel management with the expense items they need to consider in comparing options by inputting costs and other variables such as the hotel’s number of rooms, pounds per room and occupancy level, triggering the calculation of laundry cost per room for both outsourcing and OPL options.

The calculator requires estimates of direct and indirect costs related to:

  • Direct labor
  • Indirect payroll and administrative
  • Depreciation
  • Chemical supply
  • General supply
  • Plant maintenance

At a minimum, the calculator serves its intended purpose of familiarizing hoteliers with the many variables necessary to calculate their true laundry cost. The better the data collected, the more accurate the actual cost determination will be.

TRSA will promote the calculator to hoteliers via social media beginning this week. The webpage link they receive will take them to introductory text that states the clear advantages of using an external provider, including avoiding the stressful task of maintaining an internally managed operation. Key benefits include:

  • Lower costs
  • Enabling you to pay as you go
  • Facilitating alternative use of laundry floor space
  • Avoiding capital expenditures

The committee welcomes your feedback. Forward the link above (www.trsa.org/oplcalculator) to hotel prospects and please share your experience and comments with TRSA’s Tom Newell, 877.770.9274, ext. 104.