OSHA Weighs in on Laundering FR Garments

Posted December 17, 2015 at 7:44 pm

Recently, the question “Who should launder FR clothing?” was posed by a reader to the EHS Daily Advisor. The online publication answered the question by citing the U.S. Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) June 1, 2015, letter of interpretation in response to the inquiry.

The article notes that OSHA “does not prohibit home laundering of FR and arc-rated clothing if the employer permits it.” While OSHA does not specifically ban home laundering of FR garments, it does note that employers have a responsibility to ensure that protective clothing is “adequately maintained in a reliable condition.” The employer is responsible for ensuring that the FR garment is laundered in a way that contaminants, including dirt, oils and other materials will not affect the performance of the garment when it is in use, the article said.

The article also points out several hazards to laundering protective workwear at home. To read more, click here.

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