Pellerin Milnor Expands Web-Based Tech Support

Posted February 23, 2017 at 8:24 pm

Pellerin Milnor Corp. recently announced the latest update to its Technical Knowledge Base that’s available on its website, according to a news release. After nine months in production, the upgrade features several brief videos that address frequently asked questions in technical support.

“We have found that a two-minute video can deliver details that would have required 15 pages of text to communicate,” said Gary Lazarre, director of product support. The updated and enhanced knowledge base provides easy access to information that can help technicians repair and maintain their Milnor machinery, the release said.

The videos range from learning how to back up Miltouch™ machine formulas to explaining how to replace O-rings in Kawasaki Press pumps. Users also can submit questions through the feedback channel, which goes to Milnor’s technical support department.

To access the new material, go to and click the “Technical Knowledge Base” button under the “Support & Safety” tab.

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