Slamming: Beware of Energy Scam Artists

Posted September 3, 2015 at 6:06 pm

The APPI Energy customer service team recently learned that an increasing number of callers posing as energy salespeople are misleading customers. They use a tactic called “slamming” that entails calling customers by phone and soliciting them to switch their supplier contracts without informed consent. In one case, for example, a salesperson falsely identified herself as representing APPI Energy, company officials said. This unethical and possibly illegal activity could lead to early-contract termination fees for customers. 

APPI Energy wants to help protect TRSA members from slamming. An article on APPI Energy’s website lists the top ways to prevent slamming from happening. If TRSA members have any doubts when contacted by telephone about their electricity contracts, they shouldn’t divulge their electricity account numbers, and they should avoid making verbal commitments. In essence, they should be aware that unethical salespeople are victimizing customers.

APPI Energy doesn’t encourage members to switch energy suppliers or terminate their supply contracts before current agreements expire. They also don’t process contracts by telephone. The company’s policy is to provide supply contracts and prices in writing and perform a thorough review of contract conditions with each customer. For more information, TRSA members may contact APPI at 410.749.8769. 

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