Superior Boiler Gets $60K in Safety Fines

Posted August 14, 2015 at 10:53 am

Superior Boiler Works Inc., Hutchinson, KS, recently received one repeat and 16 serious safety violations from the U.S. Department of Labor’s (DOL) Occupational Safety and Health Administration’s (OSHA) Wichita, KS, area office, according to an OSHA news release. Proposed penalties for these violations total $60,060, the release said.

“OSHA found workers at Superior Holding (which does business as Superior Boiler Works) were exposed to various hazards including amputation and falls,” said Judy Freeman, OSHA’s area director in Wichita. “The company needs to evaluate its safety and health programs and make immediate improvements to protect workers on the job.”

The violations include:

  • Not providing machine guarding for moving machinery
  • Unguarded open-sided floors or platforms
  • Hazards from overhead cranes
  • Lack of personal protective equipment (PPE)
  • Electrical safety hazards
  • Failure to implement a written program for respiratory protection
  • Fire hazards
  • Failure to implement a program for permit-required confined spaces

Company officials could not be reached for comment. To read the OSHA release, click here.

TRSA holds a yearly Safety Summit to help all companies involved in textile services learn the latest techniques for running their operations safely. The fifth annual Safety Summit will take place on May 11-12, 2016, in Kansas City, MO. Beyond the Summit, TRSA offers a wealth of educational materials on safety and OSHA compliance. Click on the links below for more information or to order these publications:

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