Swedish Textile Services Group Names New Chair
The Swedish Textile Rental Association (Sveriges Tvätteriförbund) recently announced its new Chairman, Jan Kluge, an industry veteran and senior consultant with Management Partners AB, according to a news release.
“I am thrilled to start working with the board and CEO Daniel Kärrholt,” said Kluge.
Carl-Johan Björkman of Hr Björkmans Entremattor, a Swedish mat processor who also serves on TRSA’s board of directors, said he’s pleased that Kluge will lead the organization. “We are delighted in the Nomination Committee to have been able to recruit Jan Kluge as our new chairman,” said Björkman.
Kluge’s extensive background includes work in a number of management positions, including production manager, sales and marketing manager, plant manager, deputy CEO and CEO, the release said.
In his current post, Kluge works mainly as senior adviser to businesses, including work in executive recruiting, project management and advocacy before government officials. He specializes in strategic planning and developing customer-oriented entrepreneurial cultures, the release said.
The new chairman is expected to preside at the association’s upcoming Autumn Meeting on Nov. 10 in Malmö, Sweden.