Trio of TRSA Members Make Fortune’s Most Admired List

Posted March 24, 2015 at 6:18 pm

Three TRSA member companies recently were named to the 2015 World’s Most Admired Companies list by Fortune magazine. To make the list, companies were rated on nine criteria related to corporate reputation, including financial soundness and innovation.

3M had the highest showing, ranking 21st overall, up two spots from 2014. Within the chemicals industry category, Ecolab ranked second overall and first for social responsibility and long-term investment value. Cintas ranked fourth among companies in the diversified outsourcing services category, with a first-place finish among companies in this area for social responsibility.

The 2015 survey included a total of 668 companies from 29 countries. A company's score must rank in the top half of its industry survey to be listed as a World's Most Admired Company. Click here for details.

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