Unclear if OSHA Rule Impacts Mat Biz

Posted December 19, 2014 at 6:28 pm

The U.S. Occupational Health and Safety Administration (OSHA) is currently scheduled to introduce a rule sometime next year on walking-working surfaces and personal protective equipment. At this writing, it’s unclear what role existing voluntary standards will play in the final rule.

OSHA recently released its Spring Agenda, and the agency plans to finalize its regulation in 2015, although that date could be delayed. Of interest to textile services companies is the possibility that the ANSI standard ANSI/NFSI B101 series of slip, trip and fall prevention may be referenced in the final rule. Although it is not referenced in the most current draft.

While there is no direct mention of mats, there are at least two references in massive 200-plus-page draft rule to “walking surfaces” and “employers’ responsibility to provide safe access and egress to the workplace.” These references raise the possibility that the final rule will cite the aforementioned ANSI standard, which details an effective program for floor matting. Even if the standards aren’t specifically noted in the final rule, they could serve as a fallback for compliance under the “General Duty” clause of the OSHA statute that requires employers to provide safe workplaces for their employees. 

TRSA has closely monitored this rule-making process for four years with the goal of ensuring that it doesn’t harm the industry, and if possible encourages its growth through rules that are fair, balanced and practical to implement.

We will keep members apprised of changes and updates as the effort moves forward.  

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