Washable RFID Tags Track Hotel Linens

Posted May 2, 2011 at 12:12 pm

Source: SmartPlanet (04/15/11) Nusca, Andrew

A new washable radio frequency identification (RFID) chip can help hotels keep track of their linen supplies. With the chips, linens are scanned and monitored at check-in and check-out stations, when they are sent to laundry services, put in storage, and sent to the pool or beach kiosks.

Three hotels in Honolulu, Miami and New York that are using the chips report that workflow is more efficient and theft is down. Scanning and tracking towels, sheets and robes helps hotels save time and money on inventory, labor, linen purchases, laundering, lifespan of linens and loss to theft. In addition, the tags improve customer service and give the hotel more control over the check-in and check-out process. One Honolulu hotel currently using the chips reported monthly savings of $16,000 in reduced pool towel theft alone.

The chips were developed by Linen Technology Tracking and software specialist Fluensee.