As the only collective voice of the industry, TRSA strengthens and promotes the linen, uniform and facility services industry by advocating for fair and balanced legislative and regulatory policy.
Legislation and Regulation
TRSA develops relationships with federal, state and local officials to inform and educate them on the impact that policy makes on commercial laundry operators and suppliers. We constantly monitor and proactively address issues related to labor, compliance, tax, and environmental policy. TRSA garners support for policy initiatives to protect and promote the industry by working with policymakers, engaging with other industry coalitions, and initiating grassroots campaigns.
Key Issues
Learn about new and ongoing policy initiatives:
Policy Moves
TRSA proactively addresses national, state and local policies that could harm our industry and seeks opportunities to secure and expand our markets.
TRSA promotes reusable health care textiles (HCTs) for their significant advantages over single-use disposables, including environmental sustainability, supply chain protection, safety and cost-savings.
TRSA monitors and responds to labor policies that impact our industry and the American economy.
TRSA collaborates with policymakers to ensure an effective and balanced approach to addressing PFAS-related concerns based on the best science and appropriate consideration of risk.
Tax Policy
TRSA advocates for pro-business tax policies to support our industry’s positive local economic impacts, including employment and workforce development, major capital expenditures, and other community investments.
Other Topics
Congestion Tolling
Shop Towel Resources
Evaporation Credits
Wage and Hour Division
Health and Safety
Take Action
Member engagement is key to our success at the federal and state levels. TRSA connects our members with their elected officials through various national, regional and local meetings and events, including Capitol Hill visits, state lobby days, plant tours, letter campaigns and our annual Legislative Conference.
An integral part of TRSA’s advocacy involves its political action committee, TRSAPAC, which enables the linen, uniform and facility services industry to be a key player in policymaking at the federal level.
TRSAPAC makes a significant impact by directly supporting candidates who understand our issues, align with our mission and policy positions, and are willing to help achieve our policy goals. Join TRSAPAC to directly participate in advocacy and support our industry’s policy initiatives.
Government Relations
Learn more about government processes and find information and resources for making effective and timely public statements on our issues: