Why Hygienically Clean?

Hygienically Clean certifications recognize your facility's commitment to cleanliness through validated processes, third-party audits, and quantified microbiological testing.

Our certification confirms that the procedures used in your facility comply with hygienically clean standards and Best Management Practices (BMPs) across all laundry customer market segments.

For businesses that prioritize sanitation in their operations, it’s essential to ensure that their practices do not contribute to human illness. Hygienically Clean certification supports this goal by verifying that the textile products laundered for businesses meet crucial disinfection standards. Items are washed, dried, ironed, packed, and delivered using techniques designed to meet Hygienically Clean’s cleanliness specifications.

What are the Benefits of Hygienically Clean Certification?

Hygienically Clean certifications enhance your competitiveness and credibility by providing third-party verification that meets internationally recognized standards for product cleanliness.

Many businesses that utilize textile services expect laundries to deliver the highest standards of cleanliness. Partnering with a Hygienically Clean certified laundry assures them that their textile products are essential assets in their commitment to maintaining hygiene in the workplace.

Highlights your staff’s expertise

Compliance with standards demonstrates the skill and knowledge of your teams managing the textile services operations.

Acknowledges significant effort

With the utmost support and credibility from Hygienically Clean, your facility is recognized for its commitment to preventing the spread of contamination.

Enhances your credibility

Certification highlights management’s commitment to “green” practices, cleanliness, and safety, creating a positive halo effect that shapes customers’ perceptions of your overall business approach.

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How Does It Work?


To attain Hygienically Clean certification, your facility must pass a series of qualifying microbiological tests, document BMPs in a Quality Assurance manual, and pass an onsite audit for validation of your demonstration of BMPs.



Certification is awarded on a three-year basis. Microbiological sample tests are required quarterly and facilities are inspected every three years for renewal.

Learn More about Each Certification and its Requirements

HC Food Safety Logo 2024
Food Safety

Hygienically Clean Food Safety recognizes cleanliness standards for laundering garments and other textile products in food manufacturing.

Food Service

Hygienically Clean Food Service certification acknowledges textile service operations that supply the restaurant industry and other food service establishments.


Hygienically Clean Healthcare certification recognizes laundries’ effectiveness in safeguarding healthcare operations

HC Hospitality (2)

Hygienically Clean Hospitality certification recognizes the cleanliness of those servicing hotels, bed and breakfasts, and other segments of the lodging industry.

Apply Now

Thank you for your interest in the Hygienically Clean Certification Program. To apply for or renew your Hygienically Clean certification, please download the application by selecting the appropriate button below. Please email or mail the completed application to the Certification Department. We look forward to working with you throughout your certification process.

Producing Hygienically Clean Textiles E-Learning Course

Effective April 2019, the Hygienically Clean Advisory Board has committed to ensuring each plant has at least one dedicated Hygienically Clean expert. Each expert is required to complete this course. 

Producing Hygienically Clean Textiles provides supervisors, managers and other operations employees with a solid understanding of the best management practices (BMPs) for processing hygienically clean textiles (HCT) for healthcare, food safety, hospitality and food service. This interactive, self-paced course is user-friendly with links to videos, checklists and other resources. The course takes about 40 minutes to complete, including knowledge check point questions throughout and a final comprehensive 10-question assessment at the end. A score of 80% or above on the final assessment is necessary to receive a completion certificate. The certificate of completion is automatically personalized and generated at the completion of the program.

Who Should Take This Course:

  • General, Plant, Production and Safety Managers
  • Route, Sales, Operations, Line and Customer Service personnel

Participants will gain practical, immediately applicable knowledge into the daily tasks required to ensure your plant is consistently producing high-quality hygienically clean linens and uniforms.

Purchase Single Course Now
Purchase Multiple Course Accesses

Access the e-learning course through the On-Demand Learning Center.

Additional Info

Go deeper into the details
of the certification.

Find a Certified Laundry Now

The stakeholders in your business are increasingly concerned about its commitment to product cleanliness. 

They need to be assured of your efforts to maximize safety and health. You require as much verified proof as possible to demonstrate that you are achieving these goals.

Using a Hygienically Clean certified laundry contributes mightily to this endeavor:

  • Textile services companies that earn the Hygienically Clean designation have turned to a third party to attest to their business practices that prevent laundered goods from becoming a source of contamination.
  • Conformance by textile services operations to this internationally recognized standard for hygiene reflects high performance in multiple aspects of laundering. Certified operations have mastered responsive and timely customer service as well as excellent goods quality.

A textile services operation that earns Hygienically Clean certification and maintains TRSA membership is committed to high productivity and workplace safety rates, achieving the highest levels of excellence in these metrics as well as efficiency, cleanliness and environmental protection. TRSA members report their best practices collectively to benchmark (foster improvement) individually.

The new economy demands more scientific assessments of the health impacts of management practices. Your use of a Hygienically Clean certified laundry indicates your personal conscientiousness and willingness to perform to the highest standards in matters related to all these issues.


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