The following national associations, DTV, ETSA, FBT, TRSA, and TSA invite you to take part in the discussion on gender and diversity within our industry. We have lined up a panel of speakers to share with you what has happened, and what should be happening, with case studies and challenging topics that address the realities of the industry, and the way forward.
- Welcome by Elena Lai, ETSA Secretary-General & David Stevens, TSA CEO
WORKSHOP 1: Improving opportunities in leadership for women, shattering the glass ceiling and moving forward
- CWS, Director of Corporate Communications & Corporate Responsibility, Dr Maren Otte– on creating a code of conduct, defining key performance indicators for gender and diversity as well as surveys, a “speak out helpline“ and more.
- TRSA Chair, Noël Hammer Richardson, speaks on being the first female chair of TRSA in 108 years, as well as being the CEO and owner of Shasta Linen.
- Q&A
WORKSHOP 2: Combatting discrimination and promoting equality in the workplace: some case studies
- TSA, CEO David Stevens to introduce Adrian Walcott and Martin Roach from Brands With Values who are conducting the UK’s first Laundry Industry Culture study – where are we as an industry
- Open discussion forum with regard to barriers, experiences and implications for the future. What can we as national associations and member companies do to foster a culture of increased inclusion.
Conclusive Remarks & Next Steps
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