Many industries with uniform wearers purchase workwear for some employees and rent for others. An individual wearer might benefit from both. Presented by the Network Association of Uniform Manufacturers and Distributors (NAUMD) and TRSA, this online presentation will bring you up to speed on trends affecting this balance.
- Hear about how clothing fashion projects a contemporary business image for a wide variety of private- and public-sector organization types
- Gain insight into how current economic and labor conditions in these various workplaces are guiding their management’s specifications for uniform programs
- Tune into the roles of fiber, fabric and cut-and-sew technology development in improving the cost-effectiveness of providing workwear
Whether uniform customers are in industry, government, nonprofit or both, all need:
- Demonstration of employer commitment to employee well-being
- Sense of unity and professionalism among employees
- More focused and efficient workforce
- Safe work environment
- Security within the workplace
- Organization identity
The degree to which your customer or prospects require each of these benefits varies so their choice of uniform service or direct purchase varies accordingly. This webinar will help you evaluate how any organization’s functions and a host of external factors (such as competition and public image) are most recently influencing their workwear selection
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Industrial & Uniform