Learn more about why On-Premise Laundries end up outsourcing.

Outsourcing enables laundry users to focus more on core business and reduce costs. OPLs are expensive to operate, usually lacking the volume to run highly efficient equipment, so they are labor intensive and consume large quantities of utilities like natural gas, water, sewer and electricity. Add maintenance and repair costs, chemicals, production supplies, overhead, insurance, workers compensation, taxes, licenses, permits, equipment depreciation, etc. and the REAL cost of processing a pound of linen emerges. Outsourcing reduces “hidden” costs through space savings, reduced linen inventory and eliminating the need to manage a non-core business.

We currently have an On-Premises Laundry Cost Calculator available for use now which demonstrates the clear advantages to using an external provider of laundry service, namely avoiding the economic stress of maintaining an internally managed operation.