Now available for download, the 2024 TRSA Plant Employee Compensation Report provides detailed salary, wage and fringe benefit results for linen, uniform and facility services operators.

A new section added to the survey, Employment Practices, tracks items such as whether a company employs disabled people, offers public transportation support or if they have set up complaint systems for staff. Company tracking of the number of work hours dedicated to different types of training also was measured. Safety training and on-the-job after required initial training, were two of the most common training programs being tracked by plants. Practices used to determine employee satisfaction and how employees are evaluated also were added in the revised study.

Results profiled in the report are based on compensation and benefits data provided by 35 participating operators, totaling 43,075 employees – a 7% increase over the 2022 prior report, in 20 wage classifications. The tables and graphs are designed to provide comprehensive, yet straightforward, guidelines for analyzing compensation packages among operators.

Results of operator member companies are broken down by:

  • Annual sales volume (under $5 million, $5-10M, $10-50M, $50M+)
  • Number of locations (single, two, three or more)
  • Market specialty (industrial, food-and-beverage, linen, healthcare and mixed rental operations)
  • Regional analysis:
    o New England
    o Mid-Atlantic
    o South
    o Midwest
    o West
  • Overview of the position descriptions of the 15 salaried job positions used to compile the report

Survey participants received a free copy of the final report. Both TRSA members and nonmembers may purchase this or any of the annual benchmark reports available for download through the TRSA website at A discount off the retail price is offered for multiple copies of any benchmarking report.

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