Hitting Your Inbox this Week: Your Tool to Engineer TRSA

Posted April 12, 2024 at 4:54 pm

TRSA’s annual Industry Needs Assessment questionnaire will be distributed to members this week. The email will come from surveys@strategicinsightpartners.com. Responses guide TRSA’s identification of trends and opportunities, and evaluation of the association’s performance.

Results are shared with the Strategic Planning Committee and Board of Directors, as well as Committees, to develop initiatives that add value to membership. Recent surveys have prompted TRSA to add education programs for managers and supervisors, create tools to promote your business, and initiate industry and laundry customer research.

The survey takes about 15 minutes to complete and is being conducted by an independent, third-party to ensure your answers are confidential.

Nominate Your Company, Colleagues for TRSA Awards by Sept. 30

Build credibility with customers, prospects and employees. Honor your organization (or any other TRSA member you nominate) for industry-leading performance in ten awards categories.