Tablecloths for Hygiene and Social Distancing
Hygienically Clean reusable tablecloths, place mats and napkins should be used to create a healthier dining experience. Switching a clean tablecloth between guests ensures a clean and safe table. Contamination risk is minimized in accordance with laundry best practices when linens are processed according to Hygienically Clean Certified commercial laundry standards. Bacteria has been shown to be present in excessive amounts on bare restaurant tables, even with regular cleaning, in comparison with tablecloths, which can provide a 5-times-cleaner surface. Bare tables can be a breeding ground for all types of microscopic bacteria. Hygienically Clean and safe reusable table linens regularly and dramatically reduce the amount of bacteria patrons are subjected to, ensuring that dining tables are more sanitary.
Social Distancing to Identify Available Tables
Tablecloths facilitate social distancing by identifying only the tables that should be used when such separation is required. Placemats accomplish the same by seating guests further apart at a bar, table or counter.