Mason Donovan
Tens of thousands of leaders every year attend their award winning inclusion programs. The Inclusion Dividend has continually hit the best-seller list, listed as a must-read, and leveraged in corporate and academic classrooms across the world. Diversity and inclusion is a journey. This 2nd Edition takes you further along that journey with updated research and more concepts. In today’s increasingly diverse, global, interconnected business world, diversity and inclusion is no longer just the right thing to do, it is a core leadership competency and central to the success of business.
Working effectively across differences such as gender, culture, generational, race, and sexual orientation not only leads to a more productive, innovative corporate culture, but also to a better engagement with customers and clients. The Inclusion Dividend provides a framework to tap the bottom line impact that results from an inclusive culture. Most leaders have the intent to be inclusive, but translating that into a truly inclusive outcome with employees, customers and other stakeholders requires a focused change effort. The authors provide straightforward advice on how to achieve the kind of meritocracy that will result in a tangible dividend and move companies ahead of the competition.