TRSA’s Certified Professional Laundry Manager (CPLM) certification is now available through online self-study, providing opportunities for laundry managers from around the world to take part in this professional laundry and management development certification. This online program also provides a means of renewal for former CPLM certification holders who may have let their certification lapse and require reinstatement of their credentials.

The CPLM Self-Study program is built on the findings of TRSA’s recent production management job analysis, which was developed by peer-directed focus groups of TRSA operator members who compiled surveys from more than 100+ operator management respondents, with the results being analyzed and a report issued by a third-party consulting firm.  The results are this program, which defines the role of production managers (including the tasks, skills and knowledge required to be successful in that position).

The CPLM Self-Study & Exam package includes materials that will help you prepare to take TRSA’s CPLM Exam (Included in this package).

Package Includes:

Laundry Operations and Management

Review this 200+ page text that provides a solid understanding of the best practices and fundamentals of supplying, laundering and maintaining processing linens, uniform and other reusable textiles for the industrial, healthcare, F&B and hospitality sectors from soil sort through delivery. Laundry Operations and Management has been edited and revised for a global audience.

Professional Management Institute (PMI) Study Guides

Presentations from lectures and discussions at PMI are provided in two separate PDFs for Production and Management topics. TRSA’s PMI professional development program provides interactive classroom training on fundamental laundry production and operations, emphasizing key principles of productivity, quality, safety and sustainability, as well as opportunities to develop an industry peer-to-peer network.

Production Training Videos

These videos (20 total) depict the five fundamental laundry processes (sorting, washing, drying, finishing and pack-out) for producing reusable textiles for each production segment – industrial, healthcare, F&B and hospitality. These industry-specific training videos highlight best management, operations and safety practices using in-plant video of employees operating laundry machinery safely and efficiently.  Narration and depiction of steps in the overall plant flow before and after the process are also highlighted.

Additional Study Materials

Slide presentations from lectures and discussions at past TRSA events, as well as “Wash Formula Development,” an excerpt from the TRSA publication, Textile Laundering Technology (TLT). The excerpt covers the key principles of effective laundering, to recognize laundering options, and ultimately, to determine the appropriate wash formula structures which facilitate the goals of the laundry.

Webinar Recordings

The study materials also include 8 self-paced, pre-recorded webinar presentations that cover important management soft skills such as communications, conflict resolution, ethics, leadership and safety.

The study guide is available in hardcopy (Domestic U.S. only) or digital formats.

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