TRSA’s Industry Performance Report allows you to benchmark productivity, efficiency and financial performance against operators of similar volume, product mix and markets, i.e., industrial, linen supply and healthcare. The report includes detailed information regarding expenses, revenue, and energy usage, as well as productivity per pound processed and financial performance statistics such as profit margin and asset turnover. In addition, you learn about industry sales and production trends. This report is unavailable from any other source. Participating TRSA members receive this tremendous resource free and a bonus customized report specific to their operations. You cannot manage your operations effectively without access to this vital report.

About the Report

Linen, uniform and facility services companies use the TRSA Industry Performance Report to compare their detailed financial results with operations similar to theirs in these respects:

  • Line of Business: Typical TRSA; predominantly industrial, food & beverage, or healthcare; or mixed (balanced) linen and industrial.
  • Number of Locations: Single, 2 or 3, 4 and over.
  • Sales Volume: Under $5 million in annual revenue; $5 million to $10 million; $10 million to $20 million; and over $20 million.

Statements and metrics compiled for the following categories:

  • Return on Investment
  • Production Profile
  • Income Statement
  • Balance Sheet
  • Financial Ratios
  • Employee Productivity Ratios

Trend Analysis section offers data on last five years for each major industry segment including F&B, industrial, healthcare and mixed rentals.

TRSA members who participate in the survey receive at no cost a customized digital copy of the survey results for easy benchmarking. Non-participants can purchase the report.