Communications for prospects in the long-term care business, highlighting key messages about costs and challenges of operating on-premises laundries (OPLs).
Webpage for Prospects | Why OPL Conversion Should Be Priority Whitepaper | Sales Booklet for Healthcare Linen Services
Webpage for Prospects
Provide this webpage to prospects for a quick calculation of their annual savings from shutting down their OPLs and outsourcing laundry instead. This page introduces the cost factors other than high OPL expenses that make the time right to convert.
Why OPL Conversion Should Be Priority Whitepaper
Complete this form yourself and share the link with prospects to download this explanation of the heavy cost pressures on skilled nursing and assisted living facilities. This burden and revenue uncertainties suggest these operators need to examine alternatives to all expenses, with outsourcing laundry prominent among them.
Sales Booklet for Healthcare Linen Services
See this draft (not meant for distribution) so you can finalize for your operation with your company logo and contact information. The 5-page booklet summarizes the case for laundry outsourcing at a time when long-term care facilities can’t afford the luxury of OPLs.
Interested in customizing the booklet for your business? Contact Ken Koepper at or call 703.519.0029.