Marketing Tools
Downloadable assets that members can use to promote the industry, their market sector and their company including videos, customizable promotional flyers and social media posts.
Industry Recovery & Expansion Data
View sample pages from TRSA's Market Recovery and Expansion Research related to the healthcare industry's priorities for linen, uniform and facility services purchasing. Use this B2B decision-maker and consumer intelligence to strategize marketing and communications to the acute care and specialty medical markets. Get the complete report on the research, covering the healthcare market and all linen/uniform customer industries.
TRSA offers a range of training materials for your healthcare market.
Healthcare Production Training Series
Textile Services Archive: Healthcare Laundering
Precautions for Protection Video (English)
Precautions for Protecting (Spanish)
Use this research to support marketing and communications to the healthcare market.
Achieving Clean Green and Hygienically Clean Healthcare designations provides third-party verification of sustainability and cleanliness in linen, uniform and facility services operations, building credibility in the healthcare market and improving efficiency.

On-Demand Learning
Use with prospective hires or production employee training; videos demonstrate sorting, washing, drying, finishing and packing out healthcare items. Preview recorded webinars on production - like Producing Hygienically Clean Textiles - sales and service and other topics; watch them at your own pace.

Healthcare Conference
The TRSA Annual Healthcare Conference is the premier laundry industry event focused on hospitals, surgery centers, medical offices, nursing homes and other medical facilities. This event attracts nearly 200 executives, decision makers and influencers from independent, regional, national and international operators responsible for processing more than 90% of North America’s healthcare linens and garments. Sessions cover most aspects of healthcare laundering operations and developments in patient care delivery, materials management, certification, infection control, regulation, plant systems, textile products and more.
Long-Term Care Outreach Materials
Direct prospects to a webpage to quickly calculate annual savings from shutting down their OPLs, use a whitepaper to explain why the time is right for this change and leave behind a sales booklet that summarizes the whitepaper points.

On-Premises Laundry Calculator
This utility enables hospitals, long-term care and other healthcare facilities with OPLs to input their spending on a variety of laundry expense items. They determine their per-patient-day costs of laundering linen and uniforms for comparison with the same costs incurred by linen service providers.
Healthcare Resources
Sales Booklet for Healthcare Linen Services
This content is an exclusive benefit for TRSA members. If you’re a…
Scrubs in Public in the Age of Coronavirus
This content is an exclusive benefit for TRSA members. If you’re a…
Six C’s Handling Clean/Soiled Linen in a Healthcare Environment
This content is an exclusive benefit for TRSA members. If you’re a…
Textile Laundering Technology
Textile Laundering Technology is THE training and resource for the linen, uniform…
Wearing Healthcare Uniforms in Public, Is It Okay?
This content is an exclusive benefit for TRSA members. If you’re a…
What Hospitals Should Look for in a New PPE Supplier
This content is an exclusive benefit for TRSA members. If you’re a…
Textile Services Magazine Articles
Baird Survey: Respondents Stayed Firmly in Growth Mode in First Quarter
This content is an exclusive benefit for TRSA members. If you’re a…
‘Mature Business’ Shakeout—From Hospitals To Outpatient Venues
The U.S. healthcare industry’s transition from in-hospital stays to more outpatient care is having a rippling affect throughout the commercial laundry industry.
Clinical innovations, patient preferences and government-program payment policies are prompting the shift, according to Deloitte’s “2019 U.S. and Global Health Care Industry Outlook.” The report calls it “a financial model that is based on value rather than volume,” and on “keeping people healthy and out of the hospital.”
Grand View Research Inc. reports that the global outpatient market is expected to reach $4.3 trillion by 2026. North America is the largest market and is expected to grow at the Compound Annual Growth Rate of 4.8%.
‘Sols Smart’— Oregon Co-Op Blends Winning Workforce, Production Strategies
We profile this co-op healthcare laundry that’s combined a culture of unity with system innovations that are improving efficiency, throughput and safety.
Baird Survey: Healthcare Linen Operations Added to Latest Questionnaire
This content is an exclusive benefit for TRSA members. If you’re a…
Biz Group Sues EPA Over Cuts in Air-Quality Limits
This content is an exclusive benefit for TRSA members. If you’re a…
Careismatic: Branded Garment Solutions For Industrial Laundries
CBI is a global leader in healthcare apparel, manufacturing top-selling brands like Dickies Medical. That brand power is now available to our industrial laundry customers! The demand for more modern rental scrubs is increasing, especially in outpatient-healthcare facilities. Get an edge on the competition by offering a brand healthcare professionals know and trust.
Clean Linen Matters Because Public Health Matters
Providing clean, safe linens to your customers, and a sanitary laundry environment for your employees is important to the success of your commercial laundry business. As potential risks and expectations of cleanliness increase due to emerging pathogens and other concerning microorganisms, you can rest assured that Ecolab is your partner to deliver the highest degree of cleanliness and quality at the lowest total cost.
Dispensing Enhanced Accountability—Along with Hospital Scrubs
A Midwest regional operator describes a scrub-exchange
system that reduces losses while improving security.