Clean Green Certification

Clean Green Certification recognizes companies that demonstrate responsible leadership in sustainability and conservation by acknowledging commitment to improving water and energy efficiency and adoption of best management practices for reusing, reclaiming and recycling resources.

 Why Get Clean Green Certified? |  Eligibility | Apply for Clean Green Certification | Audit Process

Certified Textile Services ProvidersAdvisory Board

Clean Green certified linen, uniform and facility services operations meet quality standards for effectiveness in conserving resources and minimizing environmental impact. Customers that use Clean Green certified companies to supply, launder and maintain linens, uniforms, mats and other reusable textiles can be assured that their provider maximizes sustainable practices.

Why Get Clean Green Certified?

With a Clean Green Certification, you will save on operating costs by conserving resources. sell the benefits of sustainability to gain and keep customers and serve the cause of protecting the environment.


Achieving Clean Green certification prompts your company to fulfill its potential as the perfect sustainable business model, aligning its economic interests with environmental concerns. Achieving the certification improves efficiencies, adding to the bottom line by decreasing energy and water costs and preserving the environment by conserving these resources. Fundamentally environmentally friendly aspects of linen, uniform and facility services (textile reuse and mass processing) have sustained the industry. To remain price-competitive, competitors must increase proficiency in these respects. See the list of cost-saving best management practices in the Clean Green standard that qualify your operation for the certification and control processing costs.


More than 60% of Clean Green companies that responded to a TRSA Marketing/PR Committee survey in 2017 indicated they have attempted to work with customers to connect the certification to customers’ quantification of their sustainability success. Here’s how respondents indicated certification has benefited their companies:

  • “Has given us third party verification that our process employs best management practices for energy and water conservation efforts”
  • “Credibility and differentiator”
  • “Prospects have asked about green initiatives we are involved in”
  • “Helped us gain traction with environmentally conscious customers”
  • “Helps validate our commitment to environmental sustainability”

Ultimately, all customers are concerned about price, but more are beginning to appreciate the good environmental stewardship that maximizes efficiencies and thereby helps control or reduce costs.

Protect the Environment

TRSA’s Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Reusable vs. Disposable Textiles demonstrates the greener virtues of core linen and uniform service products compared with disposable equivalents. Isolation gowns and napkins have up to 70% to 90% less global warming potential; shop towels, 60% to 85%. The differences in resource use that drive those percentages can be substantial. The most efficient napkin launderer, for example, uses 47% of the natural gas (per napkin use by consumers) of the least efficient; 44% of the electricity; and 35% of the water. This highlights the value of achieving Clean Green conservation thresholds to improving environmental protection even though linen and uniform services are naturally the greener choice.

Read the Study

Verify Your Commitment Brochure | Choosing a Clean Green Launderer Brochure



TRSA Clean Green certification requires linen, uniform and facility services companies’ laundries to implement enough Best Management Practices (BMPs) such that enough points are accumulated to meet the requirements established.

Laundries enable their companies to qualify for Clean Green certification by following one of two paths:

  1. Perform listed best management practices (BMPs) and achieve water and energy use standards in accordance with millions of laundry pounds produced as shown on the table
  2. Perform a combination of BMPs considered more indicative of environmental stewardship and attain either water or energy standards.

TRSA inspects companies’ laundry facilities seeking the certification and approves documentation of their water and energy use and BMP deployment through production reports they submit to auditors during the inspections. They are accredited for three years at a time.

Standard for TRSA Clean Green Certification

TRSA-Initiated ASTM International Standard

ASTM International offers global access to fully transparent standards development.

Over 12,800 ASTM Standards operate globally. Defined and set by ASTM, they improve the lives of millions every day. Combined with their innovative business services, they enhance performance and help everyone have confidence in the things the buy and use.

Clean Green aligns with the ASTM International standard, Guide for Sustainable Laundry Practices, which recognizes key criteria for the certification as universal indicators of maximum sustainability in commercial laundry work. ASTM’s review of Clean Green’s best management practices requirements has verified these as the most effective and practical techniques for a laundry to achieve green objectives.

TRSA members prompted development of the standard, which was vetted in the sustainability subcommittee of the ASTM Committee on Textiles. The 19-month approval process, completed in July 2013, involved top technical experts, scientists and environmental professionals from outside the industry as well.

ASTM is the global leader in developing and delivering voluntary consensus standards unparalleled in building consumer confidence in product and service quality.

Learn More about ASTM International

Water Standard
2.6 gal/lb. > 5M pounds annually
3.2 gal/lb. ≤ 5M pounds annually


Energy Standard
3,000 BTU/lb. > 5M pounds annually
3,700 BTU/lb. ≤ 5M pounds annually

Companies demonstrate their commitment to sustainability by earning Clean Green certification. They prompt their laundries to implement as many green best management practices (BMPs) as possible, reflecting dedication to reducing their facilities’ carbon footprint and enhancing their environmental stewardship . BMPs are listed in the Clean Green standard, excerpted below.

Laundries clearly demonstrate their use of BMPs through written documents or visual evidence. Clean Green inspectors ultimately judge whether a BMP has been implemented.

  • Boiler heat recovery or direct-fired hot water heater
  • Wastewater heat recovery
  • Wastewater pre-treatment (mechanical)
  • Wastewater pre-treatment (advanced)
  • Water reuse technology
  • Alternative energy, solar or geothermal
  • Energy audit (every three years)
  • Fleet vehicles, alternative fuels
  • Fleet vehicle route optimization
  • Low temperature detergent
  • NPE-free detergent
  • Preventative boiler or water heater maintenance program
  • Recycling program
  • Skylights or energy efficient lighting
  • Slug discharge control plan or spill prevention plan

Apply for Clean Green Certification

Use the link above to print the application (PDF), fill it out and fax to 703.519.0026 or e-mail a completed form to Samlane Ketevong. Once your company’s application is approved, you will contract with TRSA for certification and inspection services.

Initial certification will be by a paper audit with an inspection conducted during the first year to verify the paperwork. Recertification is required every three years with an inspection during each such interval.

Follow the steps below to ensure your application is correctly processed:

  1. Download, print and complete the Application for Clean Green Certification and send to TRSA immediately with application fee payment by check or credit card.
  2. When TRSA has received all documentation, TRSA will contact the Primary Contact Person to gather more needed laundry facility information and devise a custom plan for enrollment in the Clean Green program.
New Application Renewal Application

Audit Process

Note to Multi-Plant Companies

This is a company-wide certification program: organizations with more than one plant must apply to enroll all of them in Clean Green. For a company with 10 or more plants, 90% of the submitting company plants must qualify for certification. Companies with less than 10 plants must have a qualification level of 75% or more. After initial certification based on a paper audit, 10% of a company’s plants will undergo a physical audit over a three-year period (or at least one plant for each company with10 or less plants).  Those plants will be chosen either at random or through TRSA oversight to ensure fair selection.

Acquired plants are exempt from submission for three years from the date of acquisition. Clean room facilities are exempt from the 100% enrollment requirement.

Certified Textile Services Providers

These companies have fulfilled the Clean Green certification challenge, quantifying their commit to sustainability and the environment by documenting their conservation efficiencies in water and energy conservation and verifying their green best management practices

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Clean Green Advisory Board

Bryan Bartsch
Ecotex Healthcare Linen Service Inc.

Josh Borreli
Service and Marketing Manager
Andoco / CVR Uniform

Jim Buik
Roscoe Company

Carlos Iniguez
Quality Assurance and Compliance Officer
HandCraft Services, Inc.

Robert Raphael
Service Linen Supply Inc.

Nominate Your Company, Colleagues for TRSA Awards by Sept. 30

Build credibility with customers, prospects and employees. Honor your organization (or any other TRSA member you nominate) for industry-leading performance in ten awards categories.