On Feb. 25, TRSA will shine a virtual spotlight on the importance of workplace cleanliness and smooth-running laundry equipment to delivering pristine textile quality. T.J. Peterson will be among the moderators of this Maintenance Connections roundtable, in which participants will share ideas on this subject and others.

Peterson manages the Hygienically Clean (HC) certification auditing program, overseeing a team that inspects laundries for compliance with standards based on customer industry market:

  • Acute and nonacute medical facilities (HC Healthcare)
  • Food manufacturing and processing (HC Food Safety)
  • Restaurants and other foodservice (HC Food Service)
  • Hotels and other lodging (HC Hospitality)

A laundry’s use of a quality-assurance (QA) manual is critical to achieving HC compliance; certification requirements call for such a manual to include:

  • List of all major equipment
  • Written maintenance schedule for each piece as prescribed by regulation or its manufacturer

HC standards govern the recording and upkeep of maintenance records. The QA manual calls for documentation of procedures for calibration of equipment and controls, listing measurement devices critical to keeping equipment and chemical dispensing apparatus operating to manufacturer’s specifications. Calibration records are required for plants that calibrate. Regarding a variety of housekeeping functions, the standard specifies equipment and surfaces for which detailed procedures must be documented.

TRSA Connections, formerly known as Virtual Roundtables and Forums, aren’t webinars. They’re on the Zoom platform, so they’re more about connecting with industry colleagues and sharing experience. Participants need not be specialists in the job functions discussed. In this case, it doesn’t matter if you’ve never had a job dedicated to laundry maintenance or engineering. If you’ve had any connection to the effective and efficient performance of this function, you will benefit from this exchange.

Peterson is the owner, TJP Laundry Maintenance Solutions, Janesville, WI, focused on training the next generation of healthcare laundry mechanics, and servicing all makes of equipment. Previously, he was the chief maintenance engineer for Madison (WI) United Healthcare Linen and engineering director for Superior Health Linens in Wisconsin and Illinois. He worked in laundries for eight years prior as a maintenance manager and mechanic.

Click here to register for the Maintenance Connections roundtable, set for 1 to 2 p.m. EST, Tuesday, Feb 25. These events are free to members.

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