The U.S. Department of Labor (DOL) recently issued its long-anticipated notice of proposed rulemaking (NPRM) altering the overtime pay regulations under the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA). The proposal increases the minimum salary threshold and automatically updates the threshold every three years.

The proposal, released on Aug. 30, increases the minimum salary threshold to $55,068, up from the current $35,568. That’s a nearly 55% increase. The proposal also implements automatic increases to the threshold. The threshold will be updated every three years and tied to the 35th percentile of weekly earnings of full-time nonhourly workers in the lowest-wage census region.

“DOL is proposing a nearly 55% increase to the minimum salary threshold,” said Joseph Ricci, president and CEO of TRSA. “Meanwhile, automatic increases are unlawful and will set up the economy for failure, as increases will occur regardless of economic circumstances, exacerbating any problems that may exist.”

The comment period is 60 days. TRSA plans to request an extension as well as file substantive comments. Questions? Contact TRSA’s Vice President of Government Relations Kevin Schwalb at

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