TRSA, in partnership with WATS, the Wisconsin Association of Textile Services, has held several meetings throughout the past year to push to get legislation introduced in Wisconsin that would allow the linen, uniform and facility services industry to utilize the state’s Manufacturing and Agricultural Tax Credit, thereby cutting the industry’s tax liability in half. The meetings made an impact, as a draft of the bill is now live in both houses of the Wisconsin State Legislature.

The legislation, LRB 5089 in the State Assembly (LRB 5397 is the State Senate bill), addresses a classification inconsistency, ensuring the industry receives the appropriate recognition as a manufacturer. The Assembly bill is sponsored by State Rep. Scott Krug (R), and the accompanying Wisconsin Senate bill is sponsored by State Sen. Rob Hutton (R). The legislation was introduced with 15 co-sponsors, with other legislators expected to add their names in support of the bill as well. TRSA and WATS members have been reaching out to their respective state legislators to co-sponsor the bill.

During the past year, several members of TRSA and WATS visited the state capital in Madison, WI, to discuss the importance of adding the linen, uniform and facility services industry to the list of industries eligible to receive the tax credit. Several state legislators visited and toured member facilities as well.

“This bill shows the importance of members of the industry being involved in the policy process,” said TRSA’s Vice President of Government Relations Kevin Schwalb. “Legislative visits and plant tours provide a prime opportunity to meet with key legislators to move policy forward.”

Questions? Contact Schwalb at

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