Links to blogs written by companies specializing in maintenance recruiting and management have been added to the TRSA webpage that prompts linen, uniform and facility services to rethink tactics for attracting and retaining employees. This gives members easy access to content directed to manufacturers and applicable to hiring for large-scale laundries.

The linked Vector Technical blog steers you toward recruiting younger professionals, especially up-and-comers closing in on graduation. Vector makes the case for taking a chance on these less experienced candidates because they’re more likely to be adaptable and less vulnerable to departing. The blog explains why and gives techniques described for appealing to them, including giving them a limited role (not full time) before graduation.

It’s also indicated that white men are the majority of such technicians but Hispanic, Latino and black workers account for more than 25%. Suggestions are given to jump-start the process of increasing the pool of viable candidates via diversity.

Insight is provided on hiring military veterans for these roles and how best to take advantage of recruiting firms.

Advanced Technology Services (ATS), a technology-driven maintenance, repair and operations asset management consultant, notes in its blog that the skills gap in manufacturing machine operation and maintenance is pronounced, creating much difficulty in filling skilled technical jobs with qualified personnel. In maintenance, the gap is especially large.

To close the gap, ATS offers advice on how to:

  • Search for “soft skills” as well as hard training
  • Test whether knowledge matches what’s on the resume
  • Ensure that the job description remains tailored to your needs
  • Expand the search geographically

This new Maintenance and Engineering section on TRSA’s Recruiting and Retention webpage also includes the link to’s “How to Hire a Maintenance Technician” page. It links to separate pages on duties, skills, interview questions and job descriptions. A template enables you to customize a job description.

TRSA’s Industrial, Uniform & Workwear Committee prompted this addition to TRSA’s web resources of guidance for maintenance recruiting.

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