MMI Targets Technology, Best Practices and More

Posted August 9, 2019 at 12:03 pm

As plant technology continues to advance, the value of well-prepared maintenance teams and other plant professionals grows ever-more urgent. That’s why you or your team members should consider attending TRSA’s 27th Annual Maintenance Management Institute (MMI) at the Palms Casino Resort & Spa in Las Vegas, NV. With a combination of educational and breakout sessions featuring extensive peer interaction, MMI will provide attendees with opportunities to learn from and network with colleagues from the linen, uniform and facility services industry.

MMI also goes beyond the classroom by offering tours of two high-efficiency linen and uniform service operators, Brady Linen Services and Nevada Linen Supply. Once the plant tours are complete, attendees will learn business techniques and strategies from a series of compelling speakers. Eric Papp will present his keynote address, Planning and Problem Solving: How to Think Strategically and Create Solutions, where he’ll share advice on how to avoid repeating problems through creating effective solutions. Papp is the founder of Agape Leadership and author of Leadership by Choice.

Addition breakout sessions and workshops will feature experts from the linen, uniform, and facility services industry. Speakers will discuss budgetary strategies, safety procedures, improved technology, and other business practices critical to the industry. In addition, by participating in MMI, members can receive 19 credit hours that they can apply toward a Certified Professional Laundry Manager (CPLM) designation recertification.

MMI will conclude with an open forum, led by TRSA’s MMI task force. During this session, participants may pose questions on issues and topics discussed over the last two days. Attendees may submit their questions on registration forms or at the event, prior to or during the session. For more information, click here.

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