‘Think Pink’! Cintas Aids NY Breast Cancer Ctr.

Posted December 18, 2015 at 12:15 pm

In a gesture well timed for the “season of giving,” Cintas Corp. recently donated 50 gift items to the Ellen Hermanson Breast Center of Southampton Hospital. The articles will be included in “pink ribbon bags” that are given to patients undergoing treatment for breast cancer, according to news reports.

“Cintas Corporation donated additional ‘feel-good items’ such as pink cozy socks, blanket, hat, lotion, lip balm, and a candle just to make sure patients know that people care and are thinking about them,” said Susie Roden, community outreach coordinator for the center located in Southampton, NY.

The contributions, valued at $1,250, shows that even a simple, thoughtful gift like a candle can help lift the spirits of a person facing medical challenges. Click here to learn more. 

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