Swedish AI Firm ‘Sees’ Hazards with Cameras, Wi-Fi


For years, laundry operators have mounted cameras both in and out of laundry operations in order to enhance security and help ensure compliance with workplace policies. Now, as artificial intelligence (AI) comes to the fore, a Swedish company is taking this idea in a new direction with a camera-based AI system that analyzes safety conditions.

Updated Comp Survey Expands DEI and Employment Practices


The TRSA Human Resources Committee reviewed the TRSA Plant Compensation and Benefits Survey and recommended updates to expand the Diversity, Equity and Inclusion (DEI) section. This improvement will allow companies to better benchmark their DEI programs and best practices with others in the industry.

Baird Adds Healthcare Question to Quarterly Survey


Robert W. Baird & Co. and TRSA recently released the results of their Fourth-Quarter 2023 Uniform & Linen Rental Survey. In the latest survey, Baird added a question to gauge revenue growth among linen, uniform and facility services companies that service the healthcare sector.

Prospects for Growth Remain Steady in Latest Baird Survey


Robert W. Baird & Co. and TRSA recently released the results of their Third-Quarter 2023 Uniform & Linen Rental Survey. In the latest survey, uniform rental operators remained cautious about growth prospects compared to the second-quarter survey, while linen rental operators remained in line with recent survey data.

Incident Prevention – Investigating ‘Root Causes’


Anytime a safety incident occurs in a plant – including ‘near misses’ – laundry operators have a moral duty, as well as a legal obligation, to investigate what happened and why. Then they must take steps to prevent the incident from recurring. That’s the essence of a forthcoming article in Textile Services magazine on how companies can uncover the root causes of safety mishaps in a laundry operation and take steps to mitigate them.

TRSA Business Pulse Survey Shifts to Goldman Sachs


Goldman Sachs is partnering with TRSA to re-launch the periodic Business Pulse survey. Previous recipients of the questionnaire and new contacts who oversee linen, uniform and facility services business locations can expect the survey form to arrive in their email the week of Sept. 5.

Generate Industrywide Financial Data with TRSA Survey


TRSA is encouraging operators to participate in the 2023 TRSA Industry Performance Report (IPR) survey. The IPR survey generates industrywide financial data that provides intel on the linen, uniform and facility services market, allowing members to benchmark themselves within the industry.

Members Sing Upbeat Tune of Sales, Customer and Employee Retention


Maintaining profitable customers and increasing revenue from these accounts marked the 2022 performance of TRSA linen, uniform and facility services members. Their growth prospects looking forward in 2023 are brighter in the long run than the near term, following a first quarter when a solid majority of TRSA Business Pulse survey respondents’ revenue exceeded expectations.