DC-Area Hotel Laundry Welcomes Customer RFID


In line with an emerging trend among customer-owned goods (COG) hotel laundries to serve select customers with their own RFID-tagged linen, a Washington area operation recently reintroduced this RFID technology, along with a number of other equipment upgrades.

Prudential Completes Second Solar Project


Prudential Overall Supply, Irvine, CA, recently announced the completion of its second solar-power installation. Starting this month, the company’s Fresno, CA, plant is expected to begin generating roughly 60% of its electricity from 472 roof-mounted solar panels, according to a news release.

EPA Officials Update Industry on Potential PFAS Regs


TRSA recently hosted a webinar featuring a pair of U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) officials to update the industry on the potential for per- and polyfluoroalkyl (PFAS) regulations. More than 100 linen, uniform and facility services executives attended the presentation.

TV News Touts Canada’s Progress in Reducing Medical Waste


The Global Television Network, Canada’s leading English-language TV network, recently aired a prime-time news segment on its nightly Global National news program on the need to reduce hospital waste, including personal protective equipment (PPE) such as disposable isolation gowns.

Milliken & Co. Releases 2023 Sustainability Report


Milliken & Co., Spartanburg, SC, recently released its sixth annual sustainability report that discloses performance against its 2025 Sustainability Goals and 2030 net-zero targets. The report details the company’s key impacts across its people, product, planet and net-zero measures.

Shasta Linen’s ‘Hiccup’-Free EV Fleet Transition


As noted in Textile Services Weekly on March 11, Shasta Linen Supply Inc., Sacramento, CA, recently acquired five electric step vans worth roughly $1 million. This change moved Shasta Linen into compliance with California’s pending commercial-vehicle regulations. It also put the company in the vanguard of independents that have embraced alt-fuel route vehicles.

K-Bro Releases Inaugural Sustainability Report


K-Bro Linen Inc., Edmonton, Alberta, Canada, recently released its inaugural Sustainability Report outlining the company’s strategy related to Environmental, Social and Governance (ESG) processes, and providing a foundational framework to move forward on future objectives and initiatives.

Balfurd Taps $237,000-Plus in Grants, Utility Savings


Laundry operators typically scoff when they hear “We’re from the government and we’re here to help.” But in the case of Balfurd Linen and Uniform Co., Tipton, PA, access to state and federal grant money for improving energy efficiency is generating a big payback, including a $182,976 grant for new dryers that are expected to net the company $54,630 in yearly utility-cost savings. A similar grant request is in the works for a new tunnel washer, according to a news release from the Penn State Technical Assistance Program (PennTAP).