Cintas Tops Nation for VPP; Newest Star: Milwaukee Location
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) formally honored Cintas Corp.’s Rental location in Milwaukee as a VPP Star-certified location during a ceremony at their facility.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) formally honored Cintas Corp.’s Rental location in Milwaukee as a VPP Star-certified location during a ceremony at their facility.
In line with an emerging trend among customer-owned goods (COG) hotel laundries to serve select customers with their own RFID-tagged linen, a Washington area operation recently reintroduced this RFID technology, along with a number of other equipment upgrades.
TRSA is collaborating with European Textile Services Association (ETSA) member national associations as 2024 efforts continue to support linen, uniform and facility services operators in reducing […]
Textile Services Weekly recently toured several plants near Vancouver, BC, Canada, including K-Bro Linen Systems Inc.’s newest laundry facility in Burnaby, which focuses on minimizing textile “touchpoints” through automation wherever possible as part of a drive to achieve the highest level of infection-prevention control (IPC), safety and efficiency.
The Safety Consultation and Training Section (SCATS) of the State of Nevada’s Division of Industrial Relations recently recognized the Cintas Rental Division location in Reno, NV, for successful renewal as a Voluntary Protection Program (VPP) participant. The program recognizes employers and staff members who have implemented effective safety-and-health-management systems and maintain injury-and-illness rates below national Bureau of Labor Statistics averages for their industry.
The Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) recently issued a Notice of Proposed Rulemaking (NPRM) for Heat Injury and Illness Prevention. This move would create the […]
A shooting that left two dead and three wounded at a laundry facility near Philadelphia led to expressions of support from members of the linen, uniform and facility services industry, and provided confirmation of the importance of active-shooter training and awareness to ensure the safety of employees.
TRSA recently held its annual HR, Health and Safety Summit in Milwaukee. TRSA members in both the human resources and health and safety fields gathered to attend a day of professional development designed to enhance their skills. They also participated in education sessions catering to their individual fields.
TRSA will distribute a fire safety survey to TRSA operator members this week. Modeled after the United Kingdom’s Textile Services Association’s (TSA-UK) 2023 Fire Safety Study, the objective of the survey is to conduct a comprehensive assessment of fire safety practices within commercial laundries.
For years, laundry operators have mounted cameras both in and out of laundry operations in order to enhance security and help ensure compliance with workplace policies. Now, as artificial intelligence (AI) comes to the fore, a Swedish company is taking this idea in a new direction with a camera-based AI system that analyzes safety conditions.